A 501(c)(3) Charitable non-profit organization

For more information about the A+ Afterschool programs, please visit the

State of Hawaii After-School Plus website.

Online Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

A+ Program is available now!

Upon completing the registration on the A+ website, please visit our payment site to pay by credit card or make cash payments at the Aikahi School Site. 

Please read the state's July 20, 2024 A+Letter to Families for important announcements about the upcoming school year. There are many changes, including A+ Fees, for this school year.

Winter 2024-2025

Aikahi Program Site

Online registration closed. Please call us at 808-420-1995 to check program availability. Mahalo!

Visit the Forms & Flyers section for more details.

Have a great

2024-2025 School Year!!!

A+  After-school

Program 2024-2025 SY

Holiday ProgramS